Title: The Large Scale Structure of α′ Effects in String Theory


The main open technical problem to extract EFTs for string compactifications is deriving corrections to the tree level supergravity actions. In this talk, I summarise three attempts to systematically analyse α′-effects in string theory and its compactifications by utilising the impressive machinery of string dualities. First, I show how to derive kinematical structures in the 10-dimensional type IIB action from 1-loop amplitudes in the 11d superparticle calculus. I argue that this approach can compete with the results obtained from string scattering amplitudes. Secondly, applying an approach based on a dimensional analysis, I claim that conventional Kaluza-Klein reductions of M-theory on elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau fourfolds can only give rise to (α′)even-corrections in the 4d F-theory effective action. In a final attempt, I use constraints from supersymmetry in 4 dimensions to determine SL(2,Z)-completed index structures of 8-derivative terms in the bulk action of type IIB.